
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - 6.1_emacs_manuals_1er - emacs/phrase.:ej
There are no other files named phrase.:ej in the archive.
  JW!t~grFO	q	xIY}
1& Setup PHRASE Library 0fo..qPhrase Delimiters"e
:i*,.;:()!][}{<>?--M.CPhrase Delimiters* search string to define phrase boundaries'
0FO..QPHRASE Setup Hooku1
"#M.M^R Forward PhraseU.,
M.M^R Backward PhraseU..,
M.M^R Mark PhraseU...,
M.M^R Delete PhraseU:.X(,)'
^R Forward PhraseH"L-:M(M.M^R Backward Phrase)'
qPhrase Delimiters[1
:s10^R Backward PhraseK"L-:M(M.M^R Forward Phrase)'
qPhrase Delimiters
-:s1:0^R Mark PhraseJ("l1'"#')m(m.m^R Forward Phrase)w.
m(m.m^R Backward Phrase)0^R Delete PhraseA[9
m(m.m^R Forward Phrase)
w).f:m(m.m& Kill Text)~FILENAME~
PHRASE~DOC~ ~FILENAME~(PHRASE macros for handling phrases
 ~DOC~ & Setup PHRASE LibraryWS Assign C-, M-, C-M-, and ^X-,
and initialize qPhrase Delimiters if undefined
~DOC~ ^R Forward Phrase`^R Move forward over one or more phrases.
A phrase contains the punctuation mark that ends it.  Move
forward, therefore, past <arg> punctuation marks.  (The phrase-
defining search string is in qPhrase Delimiters)
~DOC~ ^R Backward Phrase^R Move backward over one or more phrases.
A phrase contains the punctuation mark that ends it.  Move
backwards, therefore, past <arg> punctuation marks, leaving
the pointer just following the last one.  (The phrase-defining
search string is in qPhrase Delimiters)
~DOC~ ^R Mark Phrase.^R Mark one or more surrounding phrases.
Sets the point before and the mark after the current phrase (the one
containing the point).  If an explicit arg is given, |n|-1 others are
included, following the current one if the argument is positive,
preceding it if the argument is negative.  (Notes:  A phrase
contains the punctuation mark that ends it.  The phrase-defining
search string is kept in qPhrase Delimiters.)
~DOC~ ^R Delete PhraseN^R Delete one (or several) phrases.
Deletes from the pointer forwards (or backwards, if given
a negative argument) through <arg> phrases.  Note that
^R Mark Phrase followed by ^R Kill Region will delete the
entire phrase surrounding the cursor; ^R Delete Phrase deletes
only the part following (or preceding) the cursor.  (Notes:
A phrase contains the punctuation mark ending it.  The phrase-
defining search string is kept in qPhrase Delimiters.)
~DIRECTORY~e& Setup PHRASE Library
^R Forward Phrase
^R Backward Phrase
^R Mark Phrase
^R Delete Phrase
